Diabetes Symptoms


table about diabetic sypmtoms

Tips that Can Avoid or Delay Developing Full Blown Diabetes

Throughout the developing world there is an increase in the number of people suffering from diabetes, and what is worse is that many do not even know that they suffer from it.

This ignorance is  tragedy because if one acts early enough one can avoid or reduce many of the worst symptoms of diabetes. It’s therefore very important to have a sound knowledge of the early signs of diabetes as you can prevent the full blown issues caused by this disorder.

Some of the common ones are described here:

Changes in the lifestyle of an individual – these include substantial changes of patterns in drinking and eating habits. When the first signs of diabetes set in, a person’s blood will become more viscous due to excess glucose.

This extra viscosity will cause the body cells to lose moisture during the process of blood dilution and your brain will receive messages signalling dehydration. This is the reason why many diabetics will suffer from excessive thirst (polydypsia); even if they drink plenty of water, it never seems to be enough for them. The same can be said about excessive hunger known as polyphagia.

Diabetics will often exhibit a constant need to eat whatever they lay eyes on, not to mention the need to consume sugary products and building an affinity towards sweet treats.

Changes in the physiology of an individual – this comes as a result of increased concentration of glucose in the blood stream. This will lead to the constant need to urinate mostly more frequent than usual. Unwanted liquids that should be eliminated from the body fall under the task of the kidneys, and with so much water consumed the excess of fluid is transformed in urine that is excereted.

Weight loss – in addiiton it is often the case that despite the extra food consumption, diabetics tend to lose a lot of weight, a symptom that is commonly met in this condition. This occurs due to the fact that the body is not using any more glucose for its energy requirements. Thus proteins are easily broken down along with other fats.

Neurological behavior gets changed as well. These signs will include getting very easily tired, fatigue, mood swings, irritability, having trouble with sleeping, and drowsiness. Other people might exhibit numbness in their limbs as well.

Other first signs show increased number of infections, and blurred vision due to the way that diabetes can affect the physiology of the eyes. Individuals who are prone to diabetes will present frequent oral infections(gums), as well as skin, bladder and vaginal tract. These infections are generated by yeast, a bacterium that lives in body fluids that exhibit a high content of sugar. With diabetics, the wounds heal very slowly because their antibody levels are too low to heal the open injury.

If you are aware of the first signs of diabetes, then you should know how to take the first steps ito prevent the condition evolving into a full blown disease.

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